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To job hunt or not over christmas

To Job Hunt or not to Job Hunt over Christmas?

Here’s why you should…

It’s that time of year when you can start to breathe a sigh of relief. That is if you’re one of the lucky ones whose company has a Christmas closure, allowing you to spend the festive season with friends and family.

After this year, we’re all looking forward to a little relaxation and time with the loved ones. And if you’re currently hunting for a new job you might think it’ll be okay to have a week off from applying for job advertisements. But, you should think again.

So, what should you be doing to land your next role over the Christmas break?

Most people at this time of year switch-off from the job search. I mean, who can blame them? After grafting day-in, day-out you are allowed to take this time for yourself, and you still can. But now is a great time to get ahead, with less competition and more opportunity to be seen by a potential new employer.

Hiring Managers are winding down like the rest of us, and with fewer priorities heading their way as they tick off their to-do lists ready for the New Year, you’re more likely to stand out and brighten up an otherwise dull-looking mail inbox.

You can look at an advantage of Coronavirus, as recruitment budgets have been scarcely used during the pandemic. Many companies are wanting to use up what’s left, or kick-start recruitment in the New Year to ensure that 2021 has a much stronger outlook with a super-talented workforce to help them hit the ground running.

It’s also that time of year where people start to self-reflect and consider their options over Christmas, with January being the month that most people quit their roles, leaving companies with vacancies to fill ASAP. So, make sure that you get ahead and be the person who the Hiring Manager had their eye on and thought, ‘if only there was room for this person on my team.’ You never know, come the 1st of January their employees could be handing in their notice and you may be the first person to be called.

Though it seems like many businesses are pre-occupied at Christmas and have put recruitment on hold, in actual fact, most people are preparing to make new plans in the New Year. You might not get invited for an interview pre-Christmas, but you could be the first one in the hot-seat at the start of January.

Still take this time to enjoy yourself, relax and get involved in the festivities. But don’t be fooled into thinking that now isn’t the time to be job hunting, instead, it’s the perfect time to stand out amongst the competition and be first in line when recruitment starts up again in 2021.

If you’re looking for advice on your CV, salary expectations, industry insights, and more then get in touch with one of our team today, by clicking here.

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