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Dealing with job rejection

It’s difficult to ignore the year 2020 and how many varied challenges it has brought us, from only interacting with friends and family via zoom calls, relying on your other half to come back from the supermarket with every item on the shopping list, to hoping and praying that you won’t get made redundant.

Everything is relative so they say, but trying to secure a job in the current market is a struggle for anyone with the increase in competition and it’s easy to become deflated and disheartened when you face rejection constantly.

Sometimes it can be a little cliché to say that you should always see the positive in a bad situation, but logic tells us that the only way to improve or move forward is to learn from your mistakes and go again. Rarely does this not work out. Criticism can always be constructive and each opportunity to interview is also an opportunity to develop your interview skills.

So, how can you deal with job rejection?

Detailed Feedback

As scary as it can be to face up to those mistakes you should always ask for detailed feedback where possible. If you have been involved in a 2ndor 3rdstage interview then this shouldn’t be an issue for a hiring manager. You will undoubtedly self-analyse post-interview, reliving it in your head, and wondering what you did or said that could have been misinterpreted. Instead of deliberating over what it could have been, detailed feedback from the interviewer will give you a clearer understanding of what you need to improve on moving forwards.

Development Plan

Using the feedback you can begin to work on the areas you feel you need to strengthen. Is it your body language? The tone of voice? Showing enthusiasm for the opportunity? Learning a little more about the company prior to the interview? There can be many reasons why an employer may choose not to select you for the job, sometimes they can seem trivial but often there are development points to take away from the experience.

Within your plan ensure you take time out to practice and prepare. Practicing for an interview can seem a little strange and contrary to the popular saying, it won’t actually make you perfect. It is proven that practice really does strengthen your skills but alone it doesn’t make you an expert. Quite obviously, preparation is key. Taking the time to really understand the position you’re applying for, what the company does, and their competitor landscape are all key discoveries to be made prior to your next interview. If you’re applying through a head-hunter then the consultant you’re communicating with should be well versed in all the finer details of the role. Make the most of their knowledge!

Check that you’re applying for the most suitable vacancies

Do you keep stumbling at the same hurdle every-time? Maybe it’s time to re-think the vacancies that you’re applying for. If you are implementing the above points (asking for detailed feedback and creating a development plan) and still finding yourself in a disappointing situation, then consider other options. It’s realistic to remember that there is a lot of competition out there on the candidate market. If you’re in a position where you can upskill and add certifications and qualifications to your CV to strengthen it then this is always an option. If you simply don’t have the time and money for this, consider what skills you have that are transferrable to another job role.

Unsure where to start with this? Again, asking advice from a head-hunter can give you a clearer understanding of which direction to focus your career.

Keep Calm and Carry On

As tough as it seems, continuing despite feeling as though the odds are stacked against you shows resilience and an ability not to let the situation get the better of you. The last thing you want is to enter into your next interview feeling as though you’re already defeated. Change your mindset to ‘I will get this job’ next time you meet with a hiring manager.

Your strength to continue on in the face of adversity will prove your capabilities and when you finally land your next role, you’re already past the difficult part.

Don’t beat yourself up

Remember, it’s okay to not be okay. Job searching and rejection can really wreak havoc on your mental health and for many people, it’s a catalyst to falling into a state of anxiety and depression. If you feel overwhelmed by job searching then don’t be afraid to reach out to someone close to you. It’s also worth considering talking to a mental health organisation who are qualified to discuss your situation. Visit the NHS website to find out more.

About Us

Kensington Consulting is committed to providing a quality service to all of our candidates by providing detailed feedback and updating you every step of the way. We are often commended on our exceptional ability to fully prepare our candidates for their interview, offering you vital information on the role and company which allows you to be fully prepped before entering into the interview itself. Our post-interview discussions center around your strengths and areas for development allowing you to understand how to better yourself next time around, whether successful or not.

If you’re looking for work in the Engineering/Manufacturing industries and want to speak to one of our consultants regarding work opportunities, get in touch on 01257 268273, or, visit our jobs page.

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